Cord Blood for Cerebral Palsy?

I have a brother who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was five.    In medical terms, cerebral palsy is defined as a type of neurological disease which is irreversible and is characterized by lack of control in body movement, spastic muscle coordination and delayed brain development. I want to find a cure for my brother and give an end to his condition.

This morning, I stumbled this site and I discovered in the Philippines, at least twenty babies are born with cerebral palsy everyday. A statistics is revealed by Cerebral Palsied Association of the Philippines (CPAP) and it says   that for every 1,000 live births, 3.5 of this number suffered with this disorder.

Keith Yu-Ching Goh is the first neurosurgeon who performed cord blood stem cell transplant in Asia. He performed it to a six-year-old girl of an Australian couple. Her name is Georgia and she underwent cord blood transplant on September 8, 2009. “She received 80% of her own blood stem cells in ten minutes.”

Just two-and-a-half months after, rapid improvements in Georgia’s visual contact, vocalization and posture were noticed.

Due to this successful breakthrough, CordLife Philippines instantly received various applications for cord blood banking. This company assured every donor that their facility meets the standards set by American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) and by International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Its medical director, Dr. Arvin Faundo, even said:

“Any family that has stored their children’s cord blood stem cells can be part of this medical revolution and will have more medical options available to them. The chance of locating a cord blood match within the family is 60 percent higher compared to a bone marrow match.”

This is what my brother is waiting for and for those who want to read the entire article: Read Safety Nets for Newborns, Adults

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