Cord Blood: The Miracle Cure

Have you watched the video above?

You might be wondering why the video is all about babies. You’re also yourself why the video is entitled “What is Cord Blood” instead of babies. If you’ll look at the bigger picture, babies have the ability to save a life. Their umbilical cord contain rich stem cells and when these stem cells are preserved in a nitrogen-filled freezing container, these stem cells can be retrieved whenever a person is malignantly sick and needs cure.

A cord blood is a type of adult stem cell and numerous doctors confirm its effectiveness to cure cancers (Acute Leukemia, Chronic Leukemia, Hodgkin & Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Myelodysplastic Syndrome), blood disorders, immune disorders, metabolic disorders, brain injury. cerebral palsy, type-1 diabetes and hearing loss.

Pregnant moms can either donate or store cord blood. Each option has its own advantages and which option you’ll choose depends on what decision you are comfortable with.

Michael S. Williams wrote an eBook about cord blood and you can purchase it directly at Ebook.Gd Publishing for $4.99. Here, the author gives you the capsules of information you want to understand in six chapters.

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