BloodBanker is seeking and supporting creative projects to it’s completion and be introduced into a larger market. With the help of, the world’s largest funding platform for creative projects, BloodBanker gets to help promising and potentially great projects by the world’s brilliant minds through fundings and pledges.
One of the projects that BloodBanker has funded is EmbdSocial WISP, a cool and innovative creation by a group of college friends who aim to integrate EmbdSocial WISP into your electronic designs. Their project allows you to open up a world of social media, essential web-services and real-time global accessibility.
What is EmbdSocial WISP?
The EmbdSocial WISP (Wireless Internet service provider) is an incredible device that will change the way you communicate and work with your electronics. EmbdSocial allows hardware developers and manufacturers, hobbyists and hackers to connect electronics to the web using WISPS in the most affordable way. Their public API enables you to easily communicate with your electronics by sending and receiving messages via web, email, SMS and many more with no service fees at all.

This is a revolutionary tool that brings your embedded projects to life, EmdbSocial WISP keeps an always-on connection to our globally accessible servers through your wifi network. This makes way for real-time bi-directional communication from any web-enabled platform including phones, tablets and PCs.
What can I do with my WISP?
This device comes in handy but mind you, the functions it offer are great and cool. You can install this in your mobile phone and you can use your phone as a garage door opener!
But there’s a lot more:
It also supports a number of plug-ins that simplify your common tasks such as sending and receiving email, sending and receiving SMS, tweeting, updating facebook statuses, and manipulating files in your Dropbox. Embd Social WISP is currently actively working on Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Docs and Microsoft SkyDrive.
What’s so special with EmbdSocial WISP?
EmbdSocial WISP is so special it lets our devices go live and it can constantly receive messages through tweets, emails, and communicate with one another according to different environmental changes and perform actions without you having to do something.
Why support EmbdSocial WISP?
EmbdSocial is a unique project conceived by creative minds. Though they are technically called a company who run a website, their vision of connectivity via Wisp has motivated them to get started with this project. They already have everything they need to go to production and start making your WISP: the technical design package, quotes from several fabrication and packaging plus shipping materials. They need backing to get into mass production and make WISP affordable to the public. Parts are ordered in bulk and costs for electronics assembly are paid upfront- this is where they need our help. They don’t have sufficient financial funds to support the project all by themselves- with funding and pledges from their Kickstarter page EmdbSocial WISP is bound to reach a larger market.