BloodBanker is seeking and supporting creative projects that need funding to get into production and be introduced into a larger market. With the help of, the world’s largest funding platform for creative projects, BloodBanker gets to help promising and potentially great projects from the world’s brilliant minds through funding and pledges. Check out other projects we’ve funded here.
One of the projects that BloodBanker has funded is Greetings from Coney Island (a story told via your mailbox!), a project by Gyda Arber of Brooklyn, New York. She dedicates this fiction project to her writing partner/fiancé Aaron Barker, who passed away a month before their scheduled wedding date.
Greetings from Coney Island is a brainchild of Gyda Arber, a writer/director/transmedia artist who is best known for making ARG theatrical Red Cloud Rising and the ipod noir Suspicious Package. The idea of Greetings from Coney Island is: you receive a handwritten vintage postcard from Coney Island that is addressed to you and is signed by a mysterious “M”, a faceless person who apparently misses you so much.

You can have it addressed to you or it can be delivered to whoever you’d like, 8 to 12 weeks of a personalized story makes it a great gift for anyone. Each correspondence will be custom-printed, and prepared by hand (type written or hand written). So you can be sure it is indeed a personalized letter and is not mass printed. It is especially made for you and each week, patrons of this project will receive unique stories and faux memories that the writer creates your unfolding story with “M”.
Why support Greetings from Coney Island?
What can this project possibly do? How relevant and significant is it to your community and much more your life? Greetings from Coney Island is the only project that offers a simple gesture to life’s fast pace. Each letter and post card allow us a few minutes to read and immerse ourselves in a story as it unfolds. We all are so used to all things virtual and at times miss the good old days when people took time to write their thoughts just for you. In 50 years or so, I doubt if anyone will ever find a bunch of love letters tied with a ribbon, with each parchment a joyous journey of another person’s life. Once you discover the depth of the inspiration for this project you would come to appreciate and value thoughtfulness and sweetness.
Gyda dedicates her first solo project to the ultimate love of her life, Aaron, who passed away a month before they were to be married. Greetings from Coney Island touches on a more personal level, it lets you reminisce the good times with a loved one despite them being gone.
This Kickstarter project is a vehicle for creativity and imagination. Though not all patrons have ever been to Coney Island nor was there an “M” in your life, receiving postcards stories from Coney island gives transports you to an entirely different era.
Those who fund this project unto it’s success get unique custom-printed post cards and letters for 8-12 weeks from Coney Island- by far the coolest thing on earth! This is a personalized story just for you, not something you can buy at the mall or a novelty stores.
Only a fully-inspired heart can do this, which is what Gyda does best! The project has been successfully funded! From its funding goal of $3,500, it has received accumulated pledges of $6,369. On behalf of Gyda Arber, we thank all of the backers who believed and supported this amazing project! As promised by Gyda once the pledges rech $5000, Kickstarter’s who have pledged their funding get a bonus video from “M”.