Newborn Possibilities Program: How to Qualify?

Cord Blood Registry, the world’s largest stem cell bank located at San Bruno California, introduces its newest program that encourages more couples to bank with them. The program is called Newborn Possibilities Program. This type of program does not only provide treatment option for family members with malignant diseases. It also aims to enroll children in clinical trials in which their own stem cells are used to give cure to their condition.

That means if your son or daughter is diagnosed with any life-threatening diseases such as brain injury or cerebral palsy, there is a chance for them to recover without paying a dime for their surgery. However, this program is only open for limited families. Only those families with sick member can join. Parents are also allowed to join the program once their baby is prenatally diagnosed with illness that requires stem cell transplant.

Since the inception of the program, Cord Blood Registry stored more than four hundred thousand units while its 3,000 associated physicians are expected to collect a specific number of units too.

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